Module 5 - Bartoli

Pietro Santi und Francesco Bartoli's Collections of Drawings

Module 5 is dedicated to the wallpaintings of antiquity, which exerted a decisive fascination for artists in particular and were recorded in an extensive corpus of drawings and watercolours in the workshop of Pietro Santi Bartoli and his son. Here, numerous parallel collections are preserved at widely dispersed locations, but they have hitherto been neither completely digitized nor studied in a systematic comparison with one another.

Select Sources

Pietro Santi Bartoli (1635–1700)

♦ Le pitture antiche del sepolcro de‘ Nasonii nella Via Flaminia disegnate ed intagliate alla similitudine degli antichi originali da Pietro Santi Bartoli, descritte et illustrate da Gio. Pietro Bellori, Rome 1680
♦ Gli antichi sepolcri, overo Mausolei romani et etruschi, trovati in Roma…, Rome 1697
♦ Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, inv. H 27, vol. 2a, fol. 75–81
Glasgow, University Library, Album Ms. Gen 1496
Paris, BnF, Département des Estampes et Photographies, réserve GD-9B-FOL
London, RIBA, inv. VOS/84
Windsor Castle, Royal Library, inv. RL 9566–9700, so-called Vittoria Album

Francesco Bartoli (1670­–1733)

Norfolk, Holkham Hall Library, Album Ashby I und II
Eton, Eton College Library, Topham Collection, vols. Bn4, Bn5, Bn6, Bn7, Bn8, Mahagoni Case