In Module 3, the project dedicates itself to the hitherto largely neglected studies of antiquity of Pier Leone Ghezzi (1674–1755), which are being digitized and made accessible for the first time as a whole based on current standards. Although Ghezzi lived and worked in Rome, a considerably broader interest also in less ‘sublime’ ancient worlds is manifested in his drawings of engraved gems, sculpture, and architecture. Moreover, he was intimately involved in the discourse of local scholars and provides numerous first-hand reports on new discoveries. In many respects, his material thus offers a worthwhile contrast to Montfaucon, who will be a central focus in other modules. In any case, Ghezzi’s material also spans a bridge to the occupation with the ornate, handcrafted objects of ancient day-to-day life, which are the focus in Module 4.
♦ Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ms. Ottob. lat. 3105-3109
♦ Rome, BiASA, Ms. Lanciani 104, Miscellanea di cose antiche greche, romane et egizzie
♦ Rome, Istituto Centrale per la Grafica, FN, cod. 2026
♦ Rome, Biblioteca Angelica, Ms. 2136
♦ London, British Museum, no. 1859,0806.279-289